RVN/AF South Vietnamese Air Force
This small section will give us a glimpse at the South Vietnamese who chose to fight the war from the air, surely they felt it was their best way to contribute to their fight for Democracy. I had no information, and little idea what they were all about intel the uniforms came to be, and while they were a small contingent, and not that well recorded, or remembered, so this section is dedicated to these brave flyers, with powerful backing they went to war, the opposition was equally powerful and backed by the Communist Country, but the fight was theirs, and those with that were driven, would win the fight. The South’s power came from the US, but it was not just men and bombs, they were a Political Power, and Vietnam was a power play, for some control in the region, When the war became unpopular to many Americans, the politicians caught flak, and having civil-problems in the United States, they decided to end our involvement, it was disastrous, and because of that how the US is seen, unfortunately, as hell, ya will help, but only for a while, has really left a bitter taste with all involved. The US had stepped in when the French were beaten, and the South asked for help, There had been … Military Intelligence people working there, training the ARVN, who recommended we stay out of it, but they were not listened to, and by all rights, it was a small place, that should have had quick results, but then went in, with rules and limitations that hindered the troops terribly. Anyways hats off to the “Fly Boys”.
Republic of Vietnam Air Force (RVNAF) Pilot:
Colonel, RVNAF:
Well go figure, It’s been reported to me the tiger pattern of this uniform was not used in the Vietnam
War is a post-war design. Dang! I’ll have to look into this, and fix it I guess, as well as the following uniform’s pattern then would be wrong. When veterans point out my mistakes, I try to fix them, but it may take a little time, thanks for letting me know. It is a cool pattern though, and unfortunately very expensive to buy it!
RVNAF Pilot.
I need pictures of this fantastic helmet, but they did inherit old helmets. The badge at the bottom was the Officer Cap Badge for the RVNAF I found in a pocket.
RVN-AF Helicopter Pilot:

Retired Commercial Fisherman, Studies Military History, Military Uniform Collector.