The books:
The books and uniforms featured on this website are currently not for sale here but are on Amazon and the Soldat website. I just wanted to show some of the books that have been put together by me, and my friends, about my uniforms, I’m pretty happy with these books. The one on Waffen-SS Uniformd has been upgraded adding a lot to it, and one of 4 in the large format, the first two were in a smaller format. One book covers the M36 uniform, the early uniforms of the Heer-Wehrmacht, and the Sonderfuhrer book, which is on Civilians who worked with the military, the first book of Soldat was a mix, and just for fun to see if anyone would look at it, the second covered what I had at the time of Grossdeutschland Division uniforms, that hadn’t made it in the first book, since the book came together I got several more uniforms even. We managed to get a book out there just on the Luftwaffe Uniforms. Then there were so many Vietnam War-era flight uniforms, here, it was just silly, so I thought what the heck, let us show those in a book. That’s the M.Stone Uniform Collection in paperback.