More mentionable Waffen-SS uniforms:
SS-Untersturmfuhrer, 10. SS Panzer Division, "Frundsberg”:
Newly commissioned after a grueling Officer School at Bad Tolz, this leader is no stranger to danger. His decorations show he has served from the early days of the war being awarded the Ost Front medal and the Infantry Assault Badge. Moving as a cadre from one of the pre-war SS divisions he trained young soldiers to be Panzergrenadiers shown by the Panzer Badge in Bronze. His leadership and bravery are noted by his Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class and Close Combat Bar in Silver.
Like many officer candidates before him, he moved to where he was needed and showed promise; for this soldier, it was the panzer school. Now, on the front, he leads tanks in battle in the last days of the war. He wears the late-pattern 44 Dot tanker jacket with a standard officer crusher cap. He has matching issue camouflage trousers. Camouflage is very important to tankers whose tanks have become destroyed or disabled as they fight their way back to get another panzer or fight as infantry. The uniform has been depicted with several different caps, one was a cloth-covered bill, crusher cap, and the other a pink-piped Crushed-Schurmutz, but no further pictures have been taken of them, the caps moved around with other uniforms, as it went in my early collection, and picture shoots and neither would be my picks today. The next cap may be different, like a M43 Officers style.
Unterscharfuhrer, SS-Frundsburg, ‘Waspe’ Self-Propelled Gun Commander:
SS-NCO, SS-Regiment, Hermann Von Salza:
*SS. Horst Wessel Division, StuG. Crewman:
*This one could maybe use a picture update……and story.
An SS-Panzer Oddity, SS-Mann, Splittertarnmuster Sonderbekleidung der Panzertruppen:
The black wool Sonderbekleidung der Panzertruppen was not hot when worn in the warmer southern combat theaters, but it also stood out when the Panzer crewman was outside the tank, making them an easily spotted target. In 1942, the Heer began issuing the Feldbluse made of reed-green HBT material. By 1943, a version based on the Panzer uniform was introduced. Envious of the Infanterie Soldaten's new uniform and not wanting to wait, Heer Panzer crews often created their warm-weather uniform from the Zeltbahn, which helped eliminate the visibility issue when not onboard the Panzer. Waffen-SS Panzer Divisions were established in 194,3, and tank crews would wear a standard camouflage smock over their black wool. Wishing for a cooler option, photos show SS-men adopted both the Heer issue green HBT as well as the field-made Splittertarnmuster version of the Panzer uniform. SS units never had an official summer uniform until the issue of the 1944 camouflage over uniform cut in the dot pattern into both the Feldbluse and Panzer styles.