The Model Desk:

The Model Desk:

You need your “spot” a place to work efficiently, and patiently. Keeping in mind, you’ll want your (I-pad) or Lap-top nearby and assessable, for all its functions, maybe a TV, and at least some kind of music available right, as well as all your paints, glues, putty & materials you work with.

I first worked at the dinner table at 8 years old, which did not last too long, but then worked outside on a bench under an awning, good for summer, but by 10 I was really getting into it, so in my case, I have some pictures of how I handled it …. first there was the basement corner, nice spot out of the way, with my own desk (provided by Boing sell off) above it was a window (for venting that was rarely used as a kid of 13-14 years old, mostly when my mother said “open that darn thing up!”, we went threw several homes with various degrees of “My Corner”, it worked to keep me busy, and quiet, and out of their hair I suppose. In the picture is the present ‘Shop’, in the garage, with 2 cars and a heater in it! Prior to that, there was my 1st house, I hid in the basement, in what would be a walk-in closet! and in that ‘small bedroom was made into a workout room (that was never used) and model storage-the basement itself held 4 of would become 7 cabinets full of 1/35th models….I was 25 then and was gone a lot, and it was good to have my space, and the 1980s had begun, all my school buddies were gone, and all my new friends were working in Alaska, or abroad, or in other States, or in the Army and Marines, lonely, but I could chill and unwind. then the second home had a “Boat"-Garage” that became my shop. The thing is one can get hung up on the models and you stop having fun, going out or what have you, models sometimes turn out better when you don’t work on them every day, live your life, but I’m an old fart not, retired, and find myself in the shop every day again, but I don’t get around much, so in retirement-one must have a hobby to keep you busy. Happy modeling, as I say rather it starts with a picture, a model kit-then you research it, or just out of the blue-it can be hours of being content, and having fun, but remember to contact your friends and family from time to time! Chears!

This was the 2nd or 3rd model room I worked out of, but I made it work, this was in the first home I bought, downstairs in the spare room, ok actually a closet in that room. The area became my model storage/workout room, and I put an exsot fan to the outside in the closet! It worked, but I became a hermit.

Mark Stone

Retired Commercial Fisherman, Studies Military History, Military Uniform Collector.

My Model Dioramas:


old pictures of My 1/24th Scale Tiger I: